domingo, 12 de julio de 2015


Siempre he pensado que la duda era la peor sensación que te puede invadir. La incertidumbre de no saber si sí o si no, de no saber nada.
Con los años he descubierto que hay algo mucho peor, la sensación de echar de menos. No se me ocurre más angustioso sentimiento que el de querer ver a alguien con todas tus fuerzas y que eso no sea posible, y no porque uno de los dos no quiera, sino porque no estáis en el mismo punto geográfico. Como si la vida no fuese ya lo suficiente cruel, que también hay que aprender a que te arranquen partes de tu ser sin previo aviso.

X.O Santi Laya

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015

I need to pass.

Hi everybody. I don't know why I'm writting this text in english, what I really know is that it can help me a lot, in my future, in my degree and in my life. When I was younger, I always thought that I was an excelent english student. I used to pass my exams with high qualifications and (althought I shoudn't say that) I used to be the first of my class, at least in english.
Finally, I choose to study Translation and Interpriting in the University of Vigo. I thought this degree would be easier for me than others. I was wrong again.
When I started my high studies, I was surprised with the high level of the students. I felt that all people had best level of languages than me. It was awful. I was stressed, I was sad and I thought I wasn't able to pass the first course.
Well, I'm now on the second course of my degree. If I pass Inglés IV I would get a c2 level in this level. Wow, I feel scared when I say that, Now, I can't imagine it.
What I only know is that I want to get this level, and I believe that I can. Maybe other years I woudn't think that, but this year is my year. This year has to be my year. Come what may, I know that I strived a lot, and that I spent a lot of my time on this, because I love this language. I promise it is worth it.

Maybe this text has errors, but I don't want to revise it. This is something that I am thinking right now, and I want you to get it just as it is.

Kisses a lot, Santi Laya